Monday, July 22, 2013

MSSS Teakwondo 2013

Hey There everybody on earth,its been months since I posted photos,well I've been busy with MMA Training,Twitting,Studying and of cause driving my mum up the wall...hehe...SPM is just around the corner and its making its turn.Im super Happy/Nervous/Scared/ why? Happy cause I'm leaving school ,Nervous cause the exam is scary and Scared cause I didn't study!!On the road this year I had a Muay Thai K1 Fight at Kajang Kaki GYM,will be uploading the pictures soon.MSSD was last month .Now I hope you all like the pictures Follow me on
Twitter : @onlydanielhere
Instagram : @onlydanielhere
Contact me if you need you photos taken at  :)

Chopping Kick to the Head 

She is a badass 

Perfect Shot of the kick to the head !

 Thats all for now,New Photos soon I hope.Remember to Follow me and Contact me ;) PEACE!